How did you two meet?
NICOLE: Funny story…the first time I actually met Austin was during his FIRST incident report as an RA. I can’t go into details of the incident and for the sake of time, Austin asked everyone in the room for their ID’s to document. I lied and told him I left mine in my dorm room (it was in my hand the whole time hahaha) and that I was going to go get it. I actually never returned and texted everyone on the floor to stay in their rooms cause the RAs were there…LOL. So much for a cute introduction…
AUSTIN: I met Nicole during my time in college, I was an RA and she was a resident in my building. Somehow, a friendship blossomed between us. She was pretty cool and stuck out for some reason. However, when that school year ended, our friendship fell apart. Almost a year later, we spent time building back up our friendship and everything went from there. I still remember our first date, it happened after we were together. We were in DC and there was this moment where we were staring at each other’s eyes, and things just felt different. Kind of that scripted romantic stuff you see in movies, but it felt real. Since then we’ve been at it ever since and it’s been great.
When did you know you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together?
NICOLE: From the moment Austin and I started dating, I just knew I couldn’t imagine a world without him. There’s something different about him that I can’t explain but his heart reflects pure joy. I tell people this all the time, but Austin’s heart for the Lord inspires me to be a better person everyday. And everyday Austin never fails to make me laugh, tell me I’m beautiful, and encourage me. Truly blessed, truly loved, and undeniably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made to spend a lifetime with him.
AUSTIN: I think we were 3 months into our relationship, and we were fasting and spent a week not spending time with each other. During that week I remembered praying and saying the words “and I love Nico..”. I realized that if I can say I love Nicole to God, than I knew it was true. I had a rule to myself I wouldn’t tell someone I loved them unless I know and plan on marrying them. As soon as the fast was over I was thrilled to finally say those words and started working towards a lifetime with her.
How did you propose?
AUSTIN: Man oh man, what a day. First, here is a short back story to understand why the proposal was so special. On our first date we went to a museum (she loves to go to them), ate food, and went to a scenic site to sit (US Navy Memorial), relax, and talk. To prepare the proposal, I planned to recreate our first date as much as I could. We ended up going first to Baltimore Art Museum, then proceeded to grab food at Blue moon Café. To imitate the scenic site, I chose to take her to Patterson Park and propose in front of this unique but beautiful structure. When we got to where I would ask the question, I asked a stranger to take our pictures. I told Nicole to pose for us to see if the lighting was right. While she was posing, I told the stranger I was about to propose and I just needed her to act like she was taking pictures of us (instead the stranger was recording the video of the proposal). It took a lot of preparation for that moment, but it was worth it. I still remember Nicole’s reaction (immediately broke out into tears!) After the proposal, I threw a surprise engagement party which included our family and close friends. It was such a beautiful day (and yes I made sure her hair and nails were done lol).
What do you look forward to most in marriage?
NICOLE: I look forward to being with my best friend. Everyday is an adventure with Austin and there is always something new I’m learning about him. He always has new jokes too so I’m looking forward to all the laughing as well.
AUSTIN: I look forward to a level of intimacy that I’ve never experienced before. I can’t wait until Nicole becomes family and we become one. I look forward to both the major milestones we will accomplish (having children, buying our home, traveling the world) and also the little everyday moments with her. To share my life with Nicole is truly a dream come true. The best part of it all is I get to see her grow from the day I met her, to the person she’s been called to be. Like a front row seat to that transformation. I am truly blessed to marry my best friend!
What makes your story unique?
NICOLE: I would say our story is unique because we honor God in our relationship and really make an effort to make Him the center. From books, podcasts, and awesome couples that speak life into us, we soak up all and any that we could use to prepare for our marriage. It’s not easy but it is definitely worth it because there is so much to learn before and even more to learn while married cause you’re actually putting it into action.
AUSTIN: Only one person saw our union coming and it was God lol. It caught both of us off guard and at the time, a relationship was not something we wanted. However from the moment we got together, it just made so much sense. I mean who ends up going on their first date after they are together? Every single day has been a leap of faith, to trust God throughout the process and let Him lead us. Along this journey, I was able to find my best friend and ministry partner, someone who broke down my wall and allowed me to open up, be a better man, and trust in the process. God has used Nicole to bring out the best in me, grow closer to Him, and explore new depths of who I am. That’s what has made this story unique, along the process of it all, God has been working in our hearts to bring us together. The fruit shows as well, we can’t take any credit at all.
How did you choose the location for your engagement shoot?
NICOLE: I wanted big structures to be incorporated in the shoot but also a very natural element to our pictures. I actually stumbled across a picture on IG and it just clicked and boom, the National Arboretum was a match.
AUSTIN: It was all Nicole lol, I just picked the outfits.
What advice would you give to other couples about how to best prepare for an engagement shoot?
NICOLE: Plan wayyy in advance for how you envision your engagement shoot to be. Find outfits, makeup, POSES…etc that you like and save them. Pinterest is a lifesaver! Also, find a location that is meaningful or that shows who you two are together. And always remember to create the vision TOGETHER.
AUSTIN: Fellas…work with your Fiancé and really encourage her creative side. Make time well in advance to make sure you aren’t rushing at the last minute. Also, please please please (I cannot stress this enough) get a great photographer! It makes your like 1000x easier.
What was the most memorable part of your engagement shoot?
NICOLE: In one of the pictures of our formal shoot, there’s one of Austin leaning in my ear. He was actually whispering the cheesiest things (One of them being “hey little mama let me whisper in your ear….” ) and I couldn’t help but laugh. Ephraim told us to do a serious face next and we were so close to losing our composure, which was definitely the most memorable part.
AUSTIN: Besides the security officers that kept interrupting, the most memorable part of the engagement shoot was definitely the amount of strangers who came up to Nicole and kept complimenting her. I mean I was right next to her…not ONE compliment. Lol, on a more serious note, Nicole deserves it, she is stunning and was just glowing that day. My future wife if beautiful from the inside out, and I just love when people compliment her.